A Chronological History of Camp Howard, Korea.

Su Hyung Nee, Korea
Here's a Google map link to Camp Howard

Last update 6/3/2024 (1968-1969) By: Dan Duwe

Send additional information/photos to Jerry Johnson

Schooch Stories (Posted 11/13/18)

My father passed away Christmas Eve '17. He was a wonderful husband, father, and Bumpa. He only started opening up about his service at the very end of his life. I am hoping anyone may have known him and would be willing to connect to share a story, information, anything really about his service. His name was Dennis Manescalchi (Schooch) from Chicago. He was in country in 1972 at Reno Hill, Camp Howard and around the DMZ I believe. I just miss my Dad; anything you may know and could share would mean a lot.

Meghan Zmijewski

Adoptee Searching for Birth Father (Posted 10/20/12)

My adoption papers from LSS are very vague. I don't know if my birth father Sgt. Mayo was stationed at Camp Howard. It just states he was stationed in South Korea until February 1971. Sgt. Mayo and my birth mother Jong Ah Cho cohbitated for about one year until February 1971 under the common law marriage law. I was born in Seoul and I was told the hospital or base had burnt down many many years ago, therefore all the files were lost.

That's all the information I have. Very vague. I'm 41 years old and have been searching since my early 20's. I would love to know anything and everything in regards to my birth parents. I feel like a puzzle that has missing pieces.

Tracee Matthews


By Ron Halbur

I arrived in Korea in late 1960 with the 55th Ordanance stationed at Camp Howard. I then volunteered to transfer to the 27th B Company Sentry Dog Platoon which had it's location around 4 miles off Camp Howard main base to work with the dogs. I spent all of 1961 in Korea before being transferred back stateside to Fort Ord in California where I remained until my discharge after serving and additional 41 days past my scheduled discharge date due to Kennedy's order in regards to the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Mid 1960 - Mid 1962

By Dan Whitford

I was stationed at Camp Howard fron the middle of 60 until mid 62. I left Korea and was sent to Ft. Bliss, TX. I was asigned to the Aid defense board. I put in commo test shots and taught driver trainning until I got out on the 20th of Sept 62. I had several friends in the 55th ord co as well as in the 27 Inf dog plt. I was with the Long lines Sig Det which you have a picture of taken in 63 but it looks just as it was when I left. I retired from the Army in 1980.

January 1961 - 1962

By: George Poon

I arrived at Camp Howard during the Winter, January 1961, was assigned to 27th Inf as the Armorer, then was pulled out to work for the Lt. Col at Hq - Hq in S-4. There was a remote Company with the 27th Inf, The Captain who ran the camp got caught for doing some illegal stuff, yes he was approved by congress for Major, and HQ Korea pulled his promotion. I had the privilege to drive him to the Air Port in the Lt. Col vehicle a 1956 Chevy, 6 cylinder, stick shift. The controls for the stick shift pop out of the transmission, so I got under the car, YES I HAD HIM ROCK THE CAR, so I could put the rod back in so I could shift the gears.

By the way what happen to the (un-authorized) US TANK on base, this tank(which I saw with my own eyes at the Motor Pool area). I was told was disable during the War, and ended up at Camp Howard, and was NEVER turned in to a Tank Unit, How did they hide it, Yes They Buried It During IG and other Inspection. In mid 1961 I was transfered to 609th Ord in Pusan, Korea and was also extended by the Cuban Crisis and Left Korea. Got out of US Army in March 1962.

Sorry I don't have any pictures.

October 1962 - September 1963

By: Dave Brouchoud

My MSQ-28 tour was from 17 May 62 through 11 Sep 63 which includes training and forming the unit at Ft. Bliss, TX.

I was one of the original members to train at Ft Bliss for the MSQ-28. We then transfered our equipment to Korea.

Tough year as Hill 91 construction had not yet started.

The unit was reduced in half with those of us who stayed with MSQ-28, confined to a training status and the other half went TDY elsewhere in Korea.

Photos and more information on my AN/MSQ-28 Index Page


By: Don Bomer

I ran across your web page while searching for a Camp Howard photo for my Facebook map. Brings back old memories ;o) I ran an Air Force Mars station out of a room in the back of the craft shop in ’62-’63 using equipment from the signal unit’s AN/GRC-26D, a T-360 transmitter and a R-390A. We built a quad with a welded 2” angle iron spreader and gigantic bamboo poles for 20 and put it up on masts from the same radio set. Also had dipoles for 40 and 80/MARS.


By: Tom Norris

I was at Camp Howard from Oct., 1963 until Jan. 1964. I was the NCOIC of the antenna and xmtr trailer for what was called MSQ-1 or, later, AADCP 1. The group I came into country with brought the equipment down from Walmido island near Inchon in late Oct., 1963. Originally I was posted to Missle Master, Hq. & Hq Btty, 28th Arty Gp.. (AD) at Selfridge AFB, Michigan. Made Sgt. (E-5) in a little over a year after I enlisted (dropped out of college to get married & enlist in 1961), but got caught in a name & rank manpower levy in Aug., 1963. In Jan., 1964 I was transferred to Site 100 (Missle Master) at Camp Humphreys. Still in Hq. & Hq. Btty., 38th Arty Bgd., but attached to the 113th AC&W Sqdrn., USAF, KMAG. Was crew chief of "Charlie" crew there.


By: Jerry Clark

I went to Korea after school in Fort Bliss, TX. There were 13 of us in the class. 12 of us went to Korea and one went to Germany.

I was a member of the 51st Signal Detachment, 38th Artillery Brigade and one of our first assignments was to help the Hughes Tech. Reps install and test a huge number of updates to the system. We did this in a large warehouse in Inchon and then the system was shipped to the mountain top near Camp Howard.

I was stationed at Camp Howard as a member of the 51st Signal Detachment. We maintained the AN/MSQ-28 Site about 10 miles east of Camp Howard. I remember the arduous drive to the site. Although it was only ten miles line of site, it took about an hour or two to get there from Camp Howard. I was an RDPC technician. We also had WMC and Radar along with Communications at the site.

I don’t remember exactly when I got to Korea or exactly when I left but I was at Camp Howard when President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. I left Camp Howard and went to Inchon to join the 61st Signal Detachment to maintain the other AN/MSQ-28 system on Wolmi-do. When I left Wolmi-do I went back to Fort Bliss and the USARDB. We analyzed the photos taken of missile tests and processed the data through an IBM 1620 computer. I got out of the Army in 1965.

Camp Howard

Rifle Qualification

Party near Camp Howard

AN MSQ-28 Site near Camp Howard

AN MSQ-28 Site on Wolmi-do


By: Tommy Whatley

I was stationed at Camp Howard 119 th Ord Det.Hawk.

I was stationed at Camp Howard with the 51st. Sig. Det. as a RDPC maintenance man at the same time as Jerry Clark. We had gone to school at Ft. monmouth, N.J. and Ft. bliss, Tx. together. Some names I can recall are Smith, Linquish, Barnes, Fabela, Carter, Worthington, Winesberry, Phillips, Mayo, Gretchowich, twins Kyle and Lyle Duncan, Schuster, Buchanan, SFC Smith, Lt. Stokes, pfc Routen. While the equipment was being modified at Inchon, me and a guy from Clovis, New Mexico (Sandovol,I think ) stayed at Site 91 as guards. Miserable time that was!!!. Clark and I took leave and went to Japan where we met my brother, George Whatley, who was in the Navy aboard the U.S.S. Providence, guided missile cruiser, and 7th Fleet flagship at that time. Quite an experience there and other places we went to in Japan. I made E4 and E5 while in Korea. Was extended there an extra 33 days waiting for a replacement to arrive. Shipped back to Ft. Bliss to the 6th. Arty. Group, Air Defence. Discharged from Army in May, 1965.

Updated 9/19/11 - I finally got some of my slides make into pictures. I have a lot of them from Camp Howard, Site 91, and around Korea but they are about the same as those already posted. These are mostly just some of the guys that were there same time as I was from Sept. 1963 until mid Nov. 1964. I can't remember all the names but maybe someone will.


By: George K. Smith

I arrived at Camp Howard on Thanksgiving Day, 1963 and was ultimately assigned to the 55th Ordnance Company as the Company Commander. This was a great assignment as I also exercised operational control over a company of Korean service Corps(KSC’s), two ROK Ammunition companies who ran renovation lines, a ROK Infantry Company, and a US Army Infantry Rifle Company. I served in this capacity for approximately 5 months until I was promoted to Major and assumed the duties of the Operations Officer(S-3) of the 71st Ordnance Group , first working for Colonel Carnahan and later for Colonel, later Brigadier General , M. McDonald Jones ,Jr. , one of the finest senior officer I ever had the privilege to work for. I returned to the United States in December of 1964……George K. Smith, LTC, USA , Retired


By: Glen Williams

I was stationed at Camp Howard 119 th Ord Det.Hawk.

Our unit had a work shop outside the back gate make a left turn and maybe two blocks from the back gate the Hawk Shop.

When I first got to Camp Howard early 1964 we lived in Quonset huts close to the back gate. Shower facility was across from the NCO Club.

We later moved into a brick barracks with two living areas, bathroom between the two living areas.

We spent many hours on the road supporting the 4 Hawk sites for 6/44 th. from Osan to Kunsan.


By: Homer Kingsbury

Hello, my name is Homer E Kingsbury and I served with the 51st Signal Detachment, at Camp Howard, from late January 1964 to mid February 1965. I worked in, and ended up being NCOIC, of their supply room. I worked directly under a Warrant Officer named Junius Zbranek. I could be a bit off on the spelling of his name. I believe there was a supply clerk named Stanley Owens. Most other names are gone from memory.

Jerry Clark posted many wonderful pictures of the camp and personnel, and I actually appear in several of them. WO Zbranek is also pictured in one. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto those photos. I have only two photos from Camp Howard.

I truly enjoyed my service time at Camp Howard, and with a group of great soldiers assigned to the detachment. You have allowed me to have a most enjoyable trip down memory lane. I would be totally open to hearing from you and any others who have shared time, or association, with the detachment during that time, and would love to trade information with anyone who is interested.


By: Tom Trainer

I was at Camp Howard from Dec. 1964 to Dec. 1965. I was an officer with AADCP # 1, 38th Artillery Brigade. We spent half our time at Camp Howard and the other half at a tactical site about an hour's drive away. Some of the officers that were there when I arrived were: Lt. John Neale, Lt. George Vania and Lt. Joe Incaprera. When I left, there was: Lt. Larry Heckler and Lt. Lee Yancey. I taught English one night a week to a group at a nearby Agricultural School and found it very rewarding.

It is amazing to me to see the progress Korea has made over the years from a fairly poor country to an economy that is the envy of the world. I was fortunate to serve with great people who made the time go by quickly. I especially enjoyed the times with some the Hughes Tech. Reps - especially Jon Swanberg and Dick Pond. It was a tough year but very worthwhile.


By: Bruce Hammond

I arrived at Camp Howard from Redstone Arsenal, AL just before Christmas 1965, assigned to the 119th Ordnance Detachment-Hawk which co-resided with the 514th Ordnance Detachment-Hawk at that time and left Korea January 1967 for Fort Bliss, TX. My MOS was HAWK Internal Guidance and Launcher Electronics repairman (257.1): arrived as a PFC and left as a SP5. I also spent a few months remote with 514th at Kunsan AFB.

I remember Glen Williams (See 1965 above), but he was a short timer when I arrived. Among other things, I also remember OB and Crown beer in the “V” for 50 Won, trying to stay warm during winter in the poorly insulated quonset hut barracks, the mosquito "fogger" that came around at sunset during the summer, the smell of the rice paddies summer mornings, the EM club, Sunday morning pancake breakfasts and pool tournaments at the Service Club, service club "dolly" Dee Dee, Camel smokes for $1 a carton at PX.

Some of the other 119th/514th guys I remember are: John D Harris, Frank Dragunchuck, Robert A Roberts, Josh Randal, xxx Nakasone, Chuck Duneko, Amos Traw, xxx Lloyd, xxx Roy, Tom Werking.


By: Robert Neis

I was at Camp Howard Dec65-Jan67. I was an officer assigned to AADCP#1, 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade headquartered at Osan Air Base. Our tactical site (radars and weapons monitoring vans) were on a mountain top about 10 miles east of Camp Howard. We had two crews and spent half of our time at the tactical site. Besides AADCP#1, the 55th Ordnance Company, 65th Ordnance Hawk Support Platoon, 51st Signal Detachment and the 5761 Signal Vagabonds were at Camp Howard.

Ed Note: On 11/9/09 I received a note from Dennis Tully who mentioned that he was Battery Clerk for HQ Battery 38th Arty Bde (AD) at Osan Air Force Base, South Korea (Dec 64 - Dec 65). He has created a web site with the Unit Yearbook from 1964-65 at http://racineco.net/osan/index.html.



By: Billy Jack Spurdis

Nice to see pic's of Camp Howard again. I took a bunch of pic's myself, but can't find them right now. I still have by book from Camp Howard. I was in the AADCP #1 in 1967. Along with the 1st sig. det., 5761 sig Capt. Schiesel was the commanding officer, Lt. Lilly the exec, Msg. Himebaugh, Lt. Clark, SSG. Rudolp, and many other's are in my book.Picture's of the 91 crew ROK Army etc. Capt.Ju Hawn Sik was a good friend of mine at the time.If you want I could send you a list of the people's names who were there when I was. And maybe take some photo's from my book and send them as attachements for the site. I remember those good times and crazy people I worked with. Except when the publo was taken and we stayed on alert what seemed forever on that 2000 ft. mountain top where our goat froze to death. Anyway, this was a nice suprise to see on the net. It would be awesome to actually be able to contact those of us still kicking.


By: Mike Siddon

I was in the 55th Ordnance Co, station at Camp Howard from July 1967 / July 1968. I was a PLL Clerk for the Motor Pool. I often wondered if the place was still there. I should have extended. I went to Fort Rucker, AL, then to Germany for nine months.


By: Paul Coffey

I was stationed at Camp Howard Korea from Jun 1967 - July 1968 . I was in the 55th Ordnance Company I worked in the Mess Hall at Camp Howard I was sent from Camp Howard to the 249th MP Detachment Korea from 1968 until the end of 1969 then went on to Camp Drake Japan until 1972.


(Posted 6/3/24) By: Dan Duwe

Just wondering if anyone who served at Camp Howard is still out there.
I was in AADCP#1 contingent from March, 1968 until May 1969.
As normal with the Army, I was trained as radar operator as a target acquisition specialist. I ended up being assigned as Quartermaster Supply Clerk initially under Sgt. “Fuzz” Farenholtz and for most of my tour under Lt. Lloyd D. Tarter.


By: Jerry Johnson

I arrived in Camp Howard Korea in late June 1971 and was assigned to Company B, 304th Signal Battalion. Although I was officially a Teletype Operator, I never actually worked as one. My aptitude for electronics and circuits found me assigned instead to the wiring and maintenance of an underground bunker (Falcon main) communication center.

In 1972 I was attached to the DSTE (Digital Subscriber Terminal Equipment) site at Camp Humphries for several months.

In 1972-1973 the post Chaplain (now Dr. Timothy C Tatum, Chaplain (Colonel) US Army Ret., ham radio operator K6SLK), thought it would be good for morale to build a MARS station on post. He traveled all over Korea to find excess Collins radios and pieces of a tower. He then approached my commanding officer and I was reassigned, along with Jim Goebel (WB6EAQ) and Scott Vercellono (WA6HIK), to the installation and operation of the MARS station.

In 1974 the Company moved to Camp Long, Korea, where I established Mars Station AB4DL. I left Korea in 1975 but returned for a tour at Seong Seo near Taegu in 1980.

304th Signal

Army Mars Station AB4SK - More about MARS and Ham Radio

Here's a pdf of the 1972 Company B, 304th Sig Bn Yearbook

June 1971 - July 1972

By: Kevin Higgins

I have seen your postings, and I have a complete list of Company B personel from July 1972. (A company Roster). I found it last week when I went through some of my things. It was 40 yrs ago last week since I left there.

Company Roster from 6/1/1972


Received via email on 7/28/10

By: Ken Jones

I don’t know if you'll remember me but we were at camp H. along about the same time.

My name is Ken Jones AKA JONZEEEE, not the infamous SGT Jones but the SPC 4 one. I remember when you and I rewired falcon main. I remember sending home for some tools for us to use.

After my tour there I did about five months at Bragg and once I was discharged I went to work for a phone company in my home town. I serviced everything from digital microwave sites to VHF radio. I later went to work in the Switching system which was what I was doing when I was drafted. Ha.

I now am our switch manager and have several projects that were loads of fun. One of them was I started our ISP operation and I'll have to admit that one was a pain. We are now into IP TV and that is hopefully going to be our push.

I'm now considering retirement and I have to admit it looks more appealing everyday. ha.

If you'd like to take a look at the outfit I work for here is our web page and just a few of the things we are doing. www.blomand.net

I've looked for several of the guys and so far I've ran across you and one more. George Heck and I kept in touch for several years and he came here to visit me several times but he must have dropped off the face of the earth. Bruce Halverson is another I've tried to find but no luck so far.

Man it's great to know you are still about and I'm hoping your doing well. If you remember me drop me a line and maybe we can catch up.


By: James R (Bob) Todd

I was stationed at Camp Howard Korea from 1971 - 1972. I worked in the 304th, mostly at Camp Howard then Joe Derubertis and I were attached to the DSTE site with AUTODIN and the data cards. My MOS was 72F20 DSTE. Worked in those two trailers at Camp Humphries. I think you were the only one who knew how to operate the generators. I believe you also handled the crypto. There was a crazy first sergeant (Frye) airborne ranger there at Camp Howard for a while. I use to go hunting for pheasants (birds) with Tom Bruff whose father was some General in Washington. That seemed to keep us out of trouble. There never seemed to be too much to do in signal operations. Where I remember you was in our hut at Camp Humphries. We had a telephone there.


By: Glenn Allison

Jerry we served together at Cp Howard,this is the first time that I have contacted anyone from Cp Howard..Do you have any of the yearbooks with peoples names. The books were Blue if I remember right...I saw the picture of you titled /party at nco club/ if I remember right ,you and the young man to your right got married in Korea....My name is Glenn Allison...I was First Sgts Driver for awhile, Big Black Guy can't remember name right now ,,,,I'm thinking "Whitehead " (ed. Hemphill).....do you remember all the draftees from Calf. 1971 they where getting ready to go home in late 71.....Yeah I was one of the potheads, do the names Baird or Halverson ring a bell....Pete Hatch ran uso club....You were platoon sgt. for me aswell. when you were in company area....We were young then and full of life....I would be grateful if you have any contact info for any one who was there 71 thru 73..I am in Pittsburgh Pa. shadeyg2@verzion.net. I hope this finds you in good health. As I write this email alot of memories come to mind....


By: Bob Hedges

I was at Camp Howard the same time you were there. I got into Korea like in February of 72 and was assigned to Headquarters working with a Major in T-3. Back then it was Lt. Col. Littlejohn and then he left and we got Lt. Col. Hudak.

I just sent a message to Glenn Allison to see if he remembers me or not. Those were some great times in my life. I remember we had to share the quanset huts with the Katusa and they had ramon every night.

Do you remember, Hey Suk Yee? She was one of the waitress in the mess hall and her dad did the movies at night over at the theater by the one gate that kind of lead right down to the village.?

Maybe you remember, Q.K. the dog? I still have his dog vaccination tag after all of these years. He wondered down into the village one night and never came back and we found his pelt with his collar.

I don’t think I will ever forget the day that we switch from MPC to green backs and got the talk about not using green backs in the village. If that only was still the case in this day and age.

Well I hope you remember me. You remember the first mail carrier guy that was kind of tall (Maybe Jim Lofton? ed.) and then he left and there was the American that always wore some buck skin coat?

Well thank you for this page. Reminds me of some really great times.


By: Dennis Manescalchi (Schooch)

I was in country 1972 worked at FDDS at Reno Hill, was terribly injured (my term) in July. When I was returned to duty the battalion was reorganized. I was as first moved to a conex that was my workshop/barracks for awhile then sent to Howard. The Army was not sure what to do with me so I traveled the DMZ working at all the Tac sites and a few Stratcom sites before I was rotated. I remember LtC Littlejohn. If you were walking down the street even half a mile away he would scream at you to remind you of the policy of recognizing an officer! I was hoping to contact anyone from my time frame who can remeber our having to spread defoliant outside the wire at the TAC site.


By: Dave St. John

Hi Jerry
It is good to see a blast from the past.  I have thought often about 
Camp Howard.  I arrived there the end of Oct 1973 and left the first 
part of Nov 1974.  I was in 55 Ord. and enjoyed my time there.

I was assigned to the Motor Pool and quickly became the assistant Motor 
Sgt.  I was a Crane Operator so that was a change, but I was a mechanic 
before going into the Army.  John Stevens was the Motor Sgt and a good 
person to work with.  I did run all the equipment we had assigned.

I do remember Brooks Walston as he also was in the motor pool.  I am 
also sending along a few pictures I found showing some people he 
mentioned, Sizemore, Gumbs and a couple others.   Some others from that 
time a SSG White came to replace Stevens, Williams, Hawkins, and many 
others that I cannot put names to.  First Shirt Harris always would ask 
a question then if you knew anything about it you ended up with a new 
assignment.  Out of site out of mind was good with him.

I went TDY the first part of December returned in time for the fuel 
shortage at Christmas 73.  We could pick up 5 gallons for the night.  
Seems every few months I would get some TDY somewhere hauling that old 
dozer we had the length of Korea.

Mr. Ho was our houseboy he did keep our gear straight he did let you 
know he was the houseman.  Mr Pak, Mr Song in the motor pool we did have 
many good people there.   I have many good memories of Camp Howard and 
the people I served with.
I do have a Camp Howard yearbook from 1974 if anyone has any requests 
from then.

After leaving there I servered with one other that was stationed there 
and I cannot remember his name.

One that knew the bus from K6 would take you there.

And one women that worked for the red cross that knew about it, and said 
she was there once.  So small world and was a pleasure to see you had a 
page up about the Camp.


By: Jim Goebel

1973-1974 my memories of Camp Howard (55th Ordinance-Depot 053) are still active.

Arrived from Redstone Arsenal as a 55B30 doing “quantity distance” calculations and wavers. True to form (Army) I was made the Depot Officer’s driver (CW2 Joe Carney). Our Company Commander was 2LT Lance Mitzel. The first 2LT I ever met that hated to salute. Both Mitzel and Carney were top-notch people.

LTC Littlejohn was just leaving and LTC Hudak wanted you to salute from HQ to the Mess Hall (jerk). I can’t see that far!

Hudak was going to pull a stripe just because I ran him off the road in the depot. He was in a ROK dump truck with Cpt. Kim and I was in a hurry. Carney covered my butt.

About my third month I went into the company. I don’t remember when or how, but met JJ (Jerry Johnson) then. Because I had a Ham license he got me working part time at the MARS station (AB4SK)(JJ & Scott Vercellono). He had just got an old trailer put up at the water tank.

My first memories were burning the grain of the plywood we attached to the walls. At some point JJ and Candy went to Camp Long. Jerry had set me up running the MARS station by myself. He also arranged for me to get a secondary MOS of 05C (radio teletype op). I spent most of my time in cut-off fatigues (too much starch makes the legs tear) and a “T” shirt. I made a lot of friends because of what JJ did for me.

When I rotated back to the states I was to go to Ft. Hood, 1stCav. I got a delay in route to Letterman Hospital, Presidio San Francisco (knee). Because of my secondary (JJ) and SFC Jim Robinson, I got reassigned to Presidio to serve my last months of service.

Two people, JJ Johnson and SFC Jim Robinson saved my bacon. JJ for the secondary and Robinson calling in a favor with Dept. of the Army Assignments for the Presidio reassignment.

I remember many but the first to mind are; JJ Johnson, Scott Vercellono Roger McBride, “Vallachi” Mike Formato, Mitzel, Carney, Big Jim Robinson, Arismendez, Monchamp, Marianai, StJohn, Eddie Fair to mention a few.

Here are some photos of Camp Howard (Posted 9/16/2022)

Here are some photos of Korea (Posted 9/16/2022)

Here's a scan of the 83rd Ordinance Battalion 1973-74 Yearbook.
Here's a map of the Camp Howard Depot.


By: Jose Mariani

I arrived in Camp Howard, Korea on May 1973 to 55th Ord. Co. (Ammo)-83rd Ord. Bat.; assigned to the Depot Security Surveillance until my ETS on June 1974. It’ll be good to get in touch with friend and GUYS from that time, I’M TRYING TO RECOVER SOME INFORMATION OF A DIFFICULT EVENT THAT HAPPENED THEN.


By: Joe Wilhoit

I stumbled upon your site after a google search to find out what ever happened to good old Camp Howard. I was assigned to Co B 304th sig in Aug 73, and for some reason cannot remember you. I do remember the ham radio tower you installed; up by water tower correct?

I see Glenn Allison and Gene Czarnicki responded to you and I definitely remember them.. Boy those were the days, I guess it was our youth that made an impression on us.. Me and Kim Scholl and 4 other guys were sent up north by DMZ to Camp Casey in Dec 73. We were attached to 2nd infantry and by the time we were sent back south around June 74 a lot of people at Howard had gone stateside.

Several of the pics you posted I also have, especially bowling night. Hahaha.. I ran upon Capt Hackbert many years later mid 90s down in Florida. He looked the same then.

I bet a reunion from 73-75 would be very interesting lol.

Take care of yourself and family: Joe Wilhoit


Received via email on 2/12/10

Enjoyed visiting your web site. "Thanks for the memories."

I was the civilian Educations Services Officer at Camp Humphreys 72 - 74 with responsibilitiy for providing education services for Aimes, Howard, all of the missile sites, and, of course, Humphreys...plus the Americans being held in the Korean prison at Suwon. Howard was an out of the way place that most people serving in Korea seemed to know little about.

We weren't able to offer much in the way of education services at Howard, so most folks wanting to take tests or enroll for evening classes would drive or hitch a ride to Humphreys.

I also remember the missile sites that some of your posters mentioned. They were really isolated and difficult to reach....except, as I recall, the one on Osan, another near Kunsan AFB, and the Battalion HQ at Humphreys. In fact, I never did get to all of the other dozen or so.

It's good to see that you're keeping a "brotherhood" of sorts by reaching out to other soldiers who, in particular, served at Camp Howard.

Best wishes to you.

Warren Rucker


By: Gene Czarnecki

Hi Jerry. My name is Gene Czarnecki. I don't know if you remember me but you and I went to Hawaii to get married to a couple of Korean girls back in 1973. In fact it was January of 1973. I saw the photos and story you have out on the web about Camp Howard. I recall the photos from some of the 'year books' that I bought while at Camp Howard. The girl that I married (her Korean name was HAN, Chang Suk) and I had two boys and a girl. They are in their 30's now. Unfortunately my wife passed away in 2003. I'm living in Chicago which is were I lived before I entered active duty. I've no idea where you are located ( I think I remember you saying you were from Pennsylvania but I'm not at all sure). I'd have to dig up those old 'year books' to refresh my memory about 'B Co., 304th Sig. Bn, APO San Francisco 96271'. It's strange that you can remember the address and forget the names of the people who lived there. Send me an email and in the mean time I'll try to dig up the 'B Company yearbooks'( I have a couple since I extended my tour twice over there). Hope you are in good health and doing well. Are you still married to your Korean girl?


By: Troy Coker

Looking around tonight and thought I would try to find Camp Howard. I was there from 4/74 through 10/75. DSD 1/44th ADA. Great time and allot of good memories. I was only in the ARMY 2yrs. 5 mths. Conus and 19 mths. at Camp Howard.


By: Brooks Walston

Jerry, it was great to find the site you started about Camp Howard. I arrived in January 1974 and stayed till February 1975. I was a Pvt assigned as a bulldozer operator in the motor pool. I had a little dozer time but primarily drove trucks and filled in as the CO's driver. I also filled in as a warm body on security patrols out in the depot. I must admit I was a screw up most of the time but straightened myself out after I rotated to Ft. Carson. I made Sgt. in the 40th Supply Co. and was one of the few hard stripe squad leaders there. I remember a few names from the 55th. Mike Gumbs from the Virgin Islands, Rick Novak and Charlie somebody??? Also a fellow Kentuckian Hurley Sizemore. I would love to hear from any of the people who shared the garden spot of Korea. Thanks, Brooks Walston


By: John Maline

I wanted to thank you for posting your Camp Howard pictures up on your web site that I found through a Google search. I was there after you - October 1974 to December 1975 as part of the Hqs 83rd Ordnance Bn that I guess followed your signal unit in there, and your pics brought back enjoyable memories. I appreciate it and just wanted to let you know.

Don't know if you can use this, but its a part of a topo map that covers the generally present day location of the ex- Camp Howard. The son of a friend of mine was stationed in Yongson, and while he never managed to get down to the Camp Howard area, he did talk to the 8th Army historian (at the request of his dad from me) who furnished him the map and information below. Think he was off by a grid square in the cantonment area location (CR3688 vs. CR3788) though. - Map (4.78 Mbytes PDF).

Here is the first batch of pictures that I have converted from my slides. Most were taken on a Sunday and tended to be of the 83rd Ordnance Battalion activities and personnel. In retrospect I wish I had taken more pictures, but it just didn't seem that important at the time!


By: Jack Buchwald

Garbage truck.....brought back memories, and a good laugh. I had forgotten all about that one. Since I was there in 75-76, I wouldn't be surprised if the garbage truck pictured is the same one we had. Unless the engine had been turned into bulgogi in between. Thanks for a good laugh.

Interesting side note......I see you were in the 304th Signal....when I got my orders for Korea, I was to be assigned to the 304th.....but they changed them in Yongsan, and I was assigned to the 38th ADA, Ended up in the 1/44th, the headquarters for 1/44th was at Reno Hill in Quangchon, (spelling), but they assigned me to DSD at Camp Howard. It turned out to be a great time. Thanks for sharing your memories. If I scare up anymore photos, I'll send them along.


By: Roy M. Russell

I was stationed as an Improved Hawk CW Radar Repairman at Camp Howard in 1977. I have tried to find it in Google Earth but the only way I can find anything is the link that you have. Thank You for posting that link. I tried to find my shop, barracks, or hooch, or the front gate but did not recognize anything. I will dig up a few pictures and send them to you unless there is a different way to get them posted to http://www.lotus-europa.com/camp_howard/. Also been looking for old Army buddies but have not found many. The only response I have gotten pertaining to Korea was a Dominic Gillum who was there shortly before I was.


By: Mike Babinski

Hi Jerry,

Once and awhile a strange thought will surface from my 62 year old dusty brain. Today, that thought was the call sign “AB4DL”, or as I remember it: Alpha Bravo 4 Delta Lima.

I was in the Army, stationed at Camp Long, South Korea, for Company B, 304th Signal from January 1975 to February 1976. I think I was really assigned to the 307th Signal (if memory serves), but attached to the 304th as a 72Echo (Communications Center Specialist). What I remember, the old 72B tactical and 72F fixed station had combined into 72E (guess you could go either way). Anyway, I was assigned to the 307th (tactical), but the day I arrived they needed two (2) guys to join the 304th team in support of the fixed station com center there, so I became assigned to the 307th, but attached to the 304th. A wonderful stroke of luck. I worked in the fixed station, just down the hill from your Marrs station.

Anyway, I have fond memories of using the service your ham operation provided in calling home to California to talk to my family (mom, dad and 2 young sisters). Amazing that I was able to never have the need to use the regular telephone to call internationally and pay those charges. For me, your station would contact Monterey, California, who would in turn dial up the phone to my parents in Fairfield, California (just east of the Bay Area)…home of Travis Air Force Base. I still think it was funny to hear my (non-techie) mom saying ‘Over’ whenever she was done speaking. Although you offered this service to the troops at Camp Long, where they could call your station over the local base phone, I on the other hand would pay your station a visit and be able to sit down with mic in hand and push my own button to talk or release it to listen. Therefore, ha, ha, I didn’t have to say “Over” like my parents so you could switch back and forth from transmitting to receiving, but I still needed to say it to have Monterey perform that same action.

What a true joy it was to use your station, and although I don’t remember you by name, I do remember that fine gentleman who was more than kind in helping me make that valuable connection with my family. I was only 17 when I arrived in there (I joined the Army early).

Hopefully, this e-mail will get to you. I looked up AB4DL just now and I see it’s been registered to someone in Virginia. I wonder if they know the history of it and the positive spiritual history it holds for guys like me.

Love to hear you received this.

Kind Regards,

--Mike Babinski